A List

12:48 PM

Hi there! Sorry it's been a real hot minute since we last posted. Things have been busy, school is back, but among all the chaos there is still good.

Lately, I've been struggling with feelings of anxiety and getting overwhelmed. So I made a list! It's what I do when I'm restless or feeling weird. Bear with me, I've been trying to practice hand lettering and doing that kind of thing on my Wacom tablet is very fun but very challenging. Anyways I hope you enjoy this list.

Ways to avoid the blues:
1. Take a walk
2. Ride your bike
3. Talk with a friend
4. Smell a flower
5. Drink coffee or tea (all day, every day)
6. Plan a roadtrip
7. Make a good list (uh, yeah)
8. Save your money (am I right?)
9. Pet a dog
10. Eat a whole pizza (no regrets)


Thanks for sticking with us. Stay tuned because soon we will be posting about fall and fashion and everything awesome. May even be tweaking our design!

Happy fall.


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